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Kingdom Of the Heart

words and music by Mitch McVicker

This world could come to a halt
And it would not matter to me
'Cause flesh is born of flesh
And spirit is born of spirit
And this all will fall
It's plain to see
And when the trumpet blows
I want to hear it

Sometimes this world
It spins so fast
I think I might fall off
And sometimes it slows
To such a pace
I think it might be stalling
Ah, but this world is only one small part
Of the kingdom of the heart
And I will live there some day
When all this passes away

And there are things that you hold with your hands
Things that you hold with your heart
I pray I can learn to tell the two apart
I wanna hold on to the things that last
'Cause when the sun goes down
It can get so dark


This all will pass away

And I've seen the sun go down
Cruising at thirty thousand feet

Sometimes this world
It spins so fast
I think I might fall off
And sometimes it slows
To such a pace
I think it might be stalling
Ah, but this all will pass away
It's all gonna pass away
It all will pass...
And leave the kingdom of the ... heart

Sometimes this world
It spins so fast
Sometimes it slows
To such a pace
Sometimes this world
It spins so fast
Sometimes it slows
To such a pace

Copyright © 1999 White Plastic Bag Music (SESAC)
All rights reserved. Lyrics reprinted by permission.

From Mitch:
I began writing this song five years ago as I was looking down out of the window of an airplane. I was looking at the world and realizing that it was only one part of God's kingdom. This life, in this world, can be such a roller coaster ride, but my highs and my lows are much less drastic when I am aware of, and living in the kingdom. When this world is gone, that kingdom will remain.
... Mitch

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Last modified: February 15, 2001