Not quite complete transcript from Whiteheart Chat Session CCM Online, October 23, 1995 reprinted with permission MAB: One man's crossover is another man's God given opportunity. People use the word crossover like it's a four letter word, they aparently can't count very well.Anyone's music is all about their heart. All about their life. Loose the labels, and just pray that people who need to hear the hope get that opportunity. Mon, Oct 23, 8:51PM whiteheartfansarah John--my sister loves the bass and hopes to follow in your footsteps, although she's never laid a hand on a bass before. Mon, Oct 23, 8:51PM Calvin Mark- You are the best piano player in Christian music now. How long have you been playing? Can you read and write music? I know Yanni can't. Welcome All! Tonight we are pleased to have with us members of the band WHITEHEART, brought to you by CCM ONLINE and NETCENTRAL! Mon, Oct 23, 8:51PM mister e I am going to get the new album very soon. Mon, Oct 23, 8:51PM Maggie Mae Mr. Gershmel--did you always know you were going to be a musician? Did you feel you were „called¾ or was it just natural to pursue your dream? Mon, Oct 23, 8:51PM allison WHITEHEART-- Hey have you seen any of my questions? I love your music. Mon, Oct 23, 8:51PM Words O' Wisdom Rick. Who do you all perceive your audience to be? Mon, Oct 23, 8:52PM mister e I would like to know who the openers are for the tour. Mon, Oct 23, 8:52PM Martian Cow I'd love to see Whiteheart tour with DC Talk...but I wonder if there's a stadium large enough to hold the crowd...;) Mon, Oct 23, 8:52PM DMan Hey Billy. What kind of guitars do you play and own? Mon, Oct 23, 8:52PM Whiteheart Rick Mister E: We are touring in 96, with Petra, Johhny Q. Public, and Gramma Train. Mon, Oct 23, 8:52PM WhiteHeart John Megan - There are probably a lot of other things you are dealing with. I will keep you in my prayers. Katja - I have known the Lord for 16 years. Mon, Oct 23, 8:52PM WhiteHeart Mark DMan: Thank you very much. Actually, I do like that song alot. I think the nuances of life are hard to understand as well as to explain. I felt like that song came close to touching the heart of something that is hard to explain. I felt cleansed when we were done writing it. Mon, Oct 23, 8:52PM mister e WH mark- who's opening for you on the new tour? Mon, Oct 23, 8:52PM Whiteheart Billy Illusion: It was a tragic moment in time. Not just for loss of life, but for America's loss of innocence. How could something so senseless happen in this country? We cried with you, believe me. Mon, Oct 23, 8:52PM Socrates Rick: Thanks for your time and your posts. I will leave so others can ask theirs as well without me getting in their way. May God bless you and the other guys in your ministry. Mon, Oct 23, 8:52PM Brazil Does Whiteheart have any thoughts on Christian Heavy metal bands? Mon, Oct 23, 8:53PM Whiteheart---I think I've finally got the hang of this. Now, about coming to Kingdom Bound in Buffalo, are you???? I have been a fan for a long time and can't wait to get Inside. Mon, Oct 23, 8:53PM RETRO Rick...that sounds like way too good of a tour....any chance I might get an interview? Mon, Oct 23, 8:53PM KRISTIAN Whiteheart--I gotta go but I'll be praying for you guys. I know that you'll do awesome in the mainstream and will change many people's lives. See you in heaven. Mon, Oct 23, 8:53PM Illusion Rick: Amen!!! I agree with your crossover views. The people who need to be reached are never exposed to it. Mon, Oct 23, 8:53PM smooth What do you all think about Christian "Punk" music like MxPx and the blamed and Blenderhead? Mon, Oct 23, 8:53PM Calvin Rick- AMEN and AMEN!!!!!! It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. Mon, Oct 23, 8:53PM Man WH: What do you guys think of DCTalk's new single „Jesus Freak?¾ I think it rocks! Mon, Oct 23, 8:53PM Diana Morris How many of you sponsor children via the Compassion program? Tell us about them. Mon, Oct 23, 8:53PM Eighth Wonder
Mark: I just want you to know that I absolutely LOVE „Messiah¾ off of Powerhouse. You have a real talent for songwriting. There are many good musicians out there, but a good songwriter is harder to come by. Keep up the fine writing! :) Mon, Oct 23, 8:53PM captkirk In response to all the controversy being brought up about the secular label, remember Jesus' response when criticized about associating with prostitutes and tax collectors was that it was not the healthy that needed a doctor. I think it's great that your reaching out to those who really need it and not just sticking with those who already have it. Mon, Oct 23, 8:53PM MAB WH-Thanx so much for answering my questions. I have been listening since the Steve Green days (I have older brothers) You guys are one of my favorites keep up the good work. I will be looking for a tour and praying for you. Mon, Oct 23, 8:54PM The Cry WH-- I work for Young Life and want to let you know that your song „The Flame Passes On¾ has encouraged me to share Christ's love with all the high school students I come in contact with. ThankYou! Mon, Oct 23, 8:54PM Whiteheart Rick Brazil: We listen to very little Metal, no valid or informed thoughts. Mon, Oct 23, 8:54PM Martian-Cow Whiteheart, if you could say something to the entire CCM industry, what would it be? Mon, Oct 23, 8:54PM Illusion Billy: What kind of input did Whiteheart have in the relief? I thank you now, because no matter what the entensity of it, it was felt. Mon, Oct 23, 8:54PM Megan Thanks John! I really appreciate that. I'm a freshman in college now, and my brother is too. My parents don't have the money to help us pay for it at all, but God has provided me with enough financial aid and scholarships to make it through. A lot of my best friends are MKs, and I've had to deal with a lot of pain when they have to move awaay and we don't know when we'll ever see each other again. Where did you grow up? Mon, Oct 23, 8:55PM WhiteHeart - Mark Dave: Yes, we sometimes do altar calls. It always depends on the concert promoter in the town. Whether he has counselors and the local churches are backing the altar call. I think it is irresponsible to lead someone to the Lord and then leave them alone. I think that must be one of the loneliest feeling in the world. Mon, Oct 23, 8:55PM Scott What are the harder songs on the new album? Mon, Oct 23, 8:55PM smooth HEY Ric - what about Christian PUNK Mon, Oct 23, 8:55PM DMan Thanks so much WH for doing this! Most bands wouldn't take the time to do this. It just shows that your heart is in your work. Thanks!! Mon, Oct 23, 8:55PM Christian WHITEHEART: ARE YOU PLANNING TO COME TO LITTLE ROCK ARKANSAS ANYTIME SOON??? I HAVE NEVER SEEN YOU IN CONCERT. BUT HOPE TO SOME TIME SOON... Mon, Oct 23, 8:55PM Simba WHITEHEART - I am leaving without you guys answering my question of if you are recording „Pride - In The Name of Love.¾ Thanks for coming. It was fun to read your thoughts. Mon, Oct 23, 8:56PM whiteheartfansarah
Anyone from Whiteheart--I didn't understand the lyrics of „Ritual¾ too well. What's the meaning? Mon, Oct 23, 8:56PM Whiteheart Rick Diana Morris: I have sponsored 2 children, for about 8 years. I had one pass away about 4 years ago. It wasn't until then, that I realized how close I was to him. In his time of sponsorship he dedicated his life to Christ, and is now at a great place of peace.g Mon, Oct 23, 8:56PM Calvin Whiteheart guys- Any of you fans of hockey? Mon, Oct 23, 8:56PM fish-out-of water1 mark... „ritual¾ is by far your best lyric and music combination i have heard ...i love it.... it is so true.... the line „leave my mind in a jar by the door... we're all mindless bores¾--very accurate... Mon, Oct 23, 8:56PM WhiteHeart Mark Kristian: THanks for saying that. Are you from Mankato? I had cousins from there? Mon, Oct 23, 8:56PM Whiteheart Billy DMan: Here comes the list...1962 Rickenbacker 12-string; 1980 LesPaul Custom; Telecaster; Taylor acoustic; Ephiphone acoustic; Ephiphone Les Paul (tuned to D for „Inside¾ and „You Can't Take,¾ Yamaha 12-string acoustic; 1966 Silvertone (pawn shop); 1953 National guitar (wood); ESP Strat. That's all I can remember. Don't tell the insurance company! Mon, Oct 23, 8:57PM DMan Thanks for the info.! Mon, Oct 23, 8:57PM CDTWhiteHeart John Sarah - Follow me as I followed Tom Hamilton.1. Buy a bass. 2. Practice real hard. 3. Like the Miami Dolphins. Ok - You don't have to like the Dolphins to play great bass, but to follow in my footsteps.... Mon, Oct 23, 8:57PM FreedomRules Billy: The song „Windows¾ you wrote for Whitecross was outstanding! Will you guys ever tour with them?< Mon, Oct 23, 8:57PM Scott Mark, What is your perspective of the ministry as a Christian artist? Does the game change somewhat when you are a musical performer of God's Word? Mon, Oct 23, 8:57PM smooth What are your thoughts about johnny Q. public? Have you caught one of their shows? They ROCK the HOUSE! Mon, Oct 23, 8:57PM arkie WH--I'm with Christian. I would love to see that you and that line-up in Little Rock. The christian scene is growing here in the land of clinton. There's hope Mon, Oct 23, 8:57PM Whiteheart Rick Martian Cow: Myself included, to think more extroverted than introverted, don't think like a Holy Huddle, Turn our message outword instead of ingrover. Mon, Oct 23, 8:57PM Whiteheart Billy Simba: If we ever do a legitimate live album, I'm sure the U2 cut will be on there. Mon, Oct 23, 8:58PM web WHITEHEART --KINGDOM BOUND AGAIN, HOW ABOUT IT? BUFFALO IS GREAT, WE WANT YOU BACK. HEY, IF YOU DO WANT TO COME BACK, I KNOW FREDDIE
CASERTA. MAYBE I COULD GET YOU GUYS IN, HA HA!!! WHAT DO YA SAY???!!! Mon, Oct 23, 8:58PM Dave Mark: thanks for your sensible and responsible answer about altar calls. I heard you in Ocean Grove and, while you didn't do an altar call, I appreciated the spiritual emphasis of your spoken comments throughout the program. It was edifying. Thank you. Mon, Oct 23, 8:58PM WhiteHeart John Calvin - Yes - Billy and I both grew up in Michigan playing hockey. Go RedWings!!! Mon, Oct 23, 8:58PM David Billy - what was it like working with One Bad Pig? Mon, Oct 23, 8:58PM Maggie Mae Dear Mr. Smiley--what do you think is the best thing about being a musician? Writing, performing, touring, ministering...? Mon, Oct 23, 8:59PM plank man
Hey guys!!! The new album is great - I love the new sound!!! Is there any chance that you will be ANYWHERE near central Texas anytime soon?? Also, either Mark or Billy - Is there any way I can get a hold of „Hotline¾ and „Live at Six Flags?¾ I think they're the only two recordings the band has ever done that I don't have. Mon, Oct 23, 8:59PM DMan Billy: Wow! What a list! Here's mine (I hope I don't run out of room): Alvarez acoustic, Charvel/Jackson electric, Peavey Foundation Bass. Did ya catch all that? Mon, Oct 23, 8:59PM Illusion Anyone from Whiteheart: Are you going to da anything else like „Morningstar?¾ Or something with a solo piano background? Mon, Oct 23, 8:59PM Whiteheart Billy FreedomRules: No plans right now, but we like the guys alot. I'm sure will share the stage at fests next summer. Mon, Oct 23, 8:59PM Scott What's it like for y'all to be on the road all the time as far as staying close to the Lord and your families? Mon, Oct 23, 9:00PM WhiteHeart Mark Scott: Different people have different feelings about what Christian music means to them. For me, I don't think there is any higher honor as a Christian and as a musician than to be given the opportunity to work out my faith in a song. It's always felt like a privilege. Mon, Oct 23, 9:00PM Simba Whiteheart Billy - Thank you for answering my question. I will always remember you for being the faithful one. See you guys later! Thanks for coming to Jesus Northwest! Mon, Oct 23, 9:00PM jasonfox WHBilly: I haven't been keeping up...What have you been producing lately? Mon, Oct 23, 9:00PM Dave smooth: they must have heard of Johnny Q Public...earlier they mentioned he would be part of their upcoming tour. Mon, Oct 23, 9:00PM arkie WH(Billy)--do you have an address so that I could get some product and promo stuff for my radio show? Mon, Oct 23, 9:01PM Gronk Attention fellow Christian Musicians (aka whiteheart)-- I just want to encourage you. It sounds like your switching to a „secular¾ label has been well thought-out and prayed over. I wish you well in your attempt to minister down another avenue. To everyone who thinks listening to „secular¾ music or being signed to a „secular¾ label is backsliding or giving up ministry for greed, I pray that God would open your eyes. God is not limited to work only through CCM music. I support these guys and their decision. Anyone who wants to talk about this more can click on me and send me mail. By the way, W.H., have you done anything with King James? They're still good friends of mine. Mon, Oct 23, 9:01PM Katja This may sound trivial compared to some of the other questions, but would you ever be interested in playing at a small university in SC? And do you know how much it costs to get you guys here (without dinner, hotel, etc. we figure that in later.) Mon, Oct 23, 9:01PM Whiteheart Billy web: We'll definitely be in the northeast next spring/summer. We're supposed to be at Kindom Bound. Keep the faith! Mon, Oct 23, 9:01PM T1 WH: I would like to know your opinion concerning the corrupt state of a lot of christian music companies. Mon, Oct 23, 9:01PM Calvin Billy- How do you write the „perfect¾ song (lyrics). Does it take alot of rewriting? Mon, Oct 23, 9:01PM MAB WH-OK, ONE LAST QUESTION BEFORE I GO. WHAT HAPPENED TO RACHEL RACHEL?I THOUGHT YOU MIGHT KNOW. Mon, Oct 23, 9:01PM Diana Morris Have you met any mainstream musicians, bands etc. that we might know? Mon, Oct 23, 9:01PM web
WHITEHEART---ANY CHANCE OF COMING TO THE UNIVERSITY OF BUFFALO? GOD KNOWS WE NEED SOME CHRISTIAN INFLUENCE HERE. Mon, Oct 23, 9:01PM Scott What's everyone's favorite Whiteheart song? Mon, Oct 23, 9:01PM CDTWhiteHeart John
plank man - Hotline you can still find if you hunt for it. Live at Six Flags -you are better off without it--Trust me!! Mon, Oct 23, 9:02PM Martian-Cow Whiteheart, it seems that a „Larry Norman Craze¾ is spreading through Christian music right now. Did Larry ever influence your music styles? Mon, Oct 23, 9:02PM WhiteHeart Mark Illusion: I hope so. Morningstar was one of those magical songs. We've played it a number of different ways and it always seems to speak to people in concert. I sure hope the Lord gives us another one of those. Mon, Oct 23, 9:02PM arkie WH(any)--with the new record deal, do you consider yourselves a christian band or a band of christians? Mon, Oct 23, 9:02PM Whiteheart Rick Plank Man: We will hit Texas sometime in 96 with the Petra/Johnny Q. Tour. Don't know if you can get Hotline. If you buy Live at 6 Flags, you can't go to be with Jesus. (Just teasing) It is worthless and Whiteheart had nothing to do with it. Mon, Oct 23, 9:02PM Eighth Wonder Hey John: I caught your pick that you threw out after the show in Ocean Grove, NJ this summer with Petra. It's my pride and joy. A red medium that says „WHITEHEART¾--Thanks! Mon, Oct 23, 9:03PM RETRO I really must reiterate....meeeting you guys was one of the coolest things.....just being able to choll out and play some v-ball was really cool...I know it was many years ago....ANYWAYS.... I hope the to run accross you all the way, I saw you before that in '89 at Summer in KCC....well...Lord willing...if I do go down to Nashville and become a musilac journalist I hope you all are one of my first guys have done so much....Thank You. Mon, Oct 23, 9:03PM Scott WH Mark,Thank you for the positive response. I hope everything goes well for your group moving to the new label and expanding in outreach. The Lord is truly good! Mon, Oct 23, 9:03PM Colorado WHITEHEART BILLY: If you could live in any state which one would you choose? Mon, Oct 23, 9:04PM Whiteheart Billy Martian-Cow: I went to many of Larry's shows and he definitely put a different spin on what it meant to be a Christian in the 70s. I'm grateful to him and Randy Matthews for their boldness. Mon, Oct 23, 9:04PM DMan Thorn: Have you learned the song „Answer the Call?¾ I was always impressed with Anthony's bass playin' on that. I'm sure you'll be great as well! Mon, Oct 23, 9:04PM Christian WHITEHEART: DO YOU LIKE DC TALK, AUDIO ADRENALINE... TYPE BANDS??? WHO ARE YOUR FAVORITE CHRISTIAN BANDS??? Mon, Oct 23, 9:04PM Calvin I AM FROM TOLEDO, OHIO (that is next to Michigan)!!!! Dear WhiteHeart Guys- It is great to see a Christian band who can write great lyrics and great music. You don't see that often enough. Mon, Oct 23, 9:04PM Illusion Mark: I've been playing piano and keyboards for about 21 years, I'm supposedly „very talented¾ (so says my wife.) I'm going on 25 and I would like to get into writing but just can't find the 'umph!' What got you started? Mon, Oct 23, 9:04PM Whiteheart Rick GRONK: Thanks for your words. Don't know King James Mon, Oct 23, 9:05PM Maggie Mae Mr. Smiley--what's your favorite thing about what you do for a living?< Mon, Oct 23, 9:05PM The Cry Billy. What do you think of Phil Keaggy?? Mon, Oct 23, 9:05PM web WHITEHEART BILLY---THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ANSWERING ME. I REALLY APPRECIATE IT. I THINK I WILL TALK TO MR. CASERTA ANYWAYS. HE'S A GREAT GUY. SEE YOU AT KB. HEY, WHERE CAN I REACH YOU NORMALLY ON THE INTERNET, AN ADDRESS PLEEEEEAAAASSSSSEEE???!!! Mon, Oct 23, 9:05PM WhiteHeart Mark Katja: We have played in Columbia in the last year. Also Greenville. We would love to come to South Carolina. Also two of the craziest and most talented WhiteHeart fans ever live in South Carolina and one of these days I'll give them their camera back. By the way -- give Gina a big round of applause for writing my answers which would take my 17 calendar years to type! Mon, Oct 23, 9:05PM Whiteheart Rick Katja: For booking Whiteheart, call the William Morris Agency, at: 615-963-3000 Mon, Oct 23, 9:06PM Brazil Whiteheart Members, thaks for answering my questions among many,many,many others. Thanks for your ministry. PS.--I strongly recommend your going to Brazil, that country is on Revival and you'll never forget the wonderful experience. THANKS! Mon, Oct 23, 9:06PM WHScott DESERT ROSE - the greatest Christian song ever written in my humble opinion. WH Rick and John - thanks for answering my question. Rick, do any of you guys still keep up with Gordon, Tommy, Chris, and other former members. I see them every now and then working on different projects. I got to talk with Gordon for about an hour about Freedom when he was playing for Susan Ashton Mon, Oct 23, 9:06PM Martian-Cow Whiteheart, if you can identify one, what is your favorite Whiteheart song? Mon, Oct 23, 9:06PM RaNdY HOW LONG HAVE YALL BEEN A BAND? Mon, Oct 23, 9:07PM The Cry Rick, what is your favorite song to sing? Mon, Oct 23, 9:07PM rok4rok
John - How does it feel to be the „new kid in town.¾ You must be facing quite a musical challenge to play with these guys. Mon, Oct 23, 9:07PM WhiteHeart Mark arkie: That is the 50 million dollar question on the bus. Or should I say 50 million hour question! I think its a matter of semantics. If you are being played on Christian radio, I think you are defacto a Christian band. However, the more I think about it, the less it seems to matter. THe more I think about it, honoring Jesus means more to me every day. Mon, Oct 23, 9:07PM Eighth Wonder Does anyone enjoy the works of Reformed theologian authors such as RC Sproul, John MacArthur, JI Pakcer, etc? Mon, Oct 23, 9:07PM Whiteheart Billy Maggie Mae: What God has allowed me to do has enabled me to never have to look at a clock (except before a show) and has allowed me to share the talents He has given me in a way that is very rewarding spiritually and musically. He's also blessed me with a family that has partnered with me for more than a decade. Mon, Oct 23, 9:08PM WhiteHeart John DMan - As far as Answer the Call - we no longer do that song. However, I'm very familiar with the song because Anthony was my roommate when he recorded it! He's a great bass player and a good friend. Mon, Oct 23, 9:08PM FreedomRules WH Mark: I love that red jacket you wore on the cover of „Whiteheart.¾ Do you still have it? Mon, Oct 23, 9:08PM whiteheartfansarah Billy, are you gonna ever sing a solo on any Whitheart album... Mon, Oct 23, 9:08PM Mugsy Thanks for being here tonight Whiteheart! Your music has been a huge part of my life for the last 10 years. I love the new album! Mon, Oct 23, 9:08PM Whiteheart Rick WH: I talk to Gordon and Chris about once a month--we go to the same church. Mon, Oct 23, 9:08PM fish-out-of water whiteheart... do any of you guys ever talk with scott douglas at all anymore???? Mon, Oct 23, 9:08PM Colorado WHO IS THE GUY ON THE COVER OF HIGHLANdS? Mon, Oct 23, 9:08PM Diana Morris Whiteheart: Which music magazines do you read? Mon, Oct 23, 9:08PM arkie Wh (any)--do you have an address so that I could get some promotion materials, product, etc...? I have a radio show. Mon, Oct 23, 9:09PM Michael Will you guys be coming to Wisconsin any time soon? Mon, Oct 23, 9:09PM Martian Cow Whiteheart, I haven't been able to find the new Inside album here in town (heard the song Inside on Spin 180 though)...who produced the new album? Mon, Oct 23, 9:09PM web WHITEHEART-- I REALLY HOPE AND PRAY THAT GOD WILL CONTINUE TO USE YOU AND BLESS YOU THROUGH YOUR MINISTRY TO THE FURTHERANCE OF HIS KINGDOM. I PRAY ALSO THAT THROUGH THIS NEW LABEL THAT MANY NEW LIVES WILL BE TOUCHED WITH THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST. Mon, Oct 23, 9:09PM Whiteheart Rick The Cry: It depends on what kind of day it has been. Sometimes „Inside¾ sometimes „Seventy times Seven.¾ And it can change from day to day. Mon, Oct 23, 9:09PM DMan Thorn: That's cool! You guys were roomates? Wow! What a rush that would've been! Did you sit around and jam on bass together? I'm from Anthony's home town of Fort Smith, Arkansas! Mon, Oct 23, 9:10PM Dave My four children, prior to listening to Whiteheart and Newsboys, were hardly interested in Christian rock at all. Now they like you and several other Christian bands (you're still at or near the top!). The video „Heaven of My Heart¾ stimulated their interest, and „Highlands¾ really grabbed them. Now they're sharing WH and Christian music with their friends (Christian and non). At their ages (2 are teenagers) they need the energy level of this kind of music, and I'm so glad it's Christian lyrics and not some of the non-Christian possibilities. That says a lot about the effectiveness of what you're doing. Mon, Oct 23, 9:10PM WhiteHeart Mark Eigth Wonder: Rick is an R.C. Sproul fan. I wish I would have read more, but have not read much to this point. I'm currently reading a book about Eastern Church fathers, so maybe I'll catch up in a few centuries to him Mon, Oct 23, 9:11PM Dagsy White Heart: Do you guys regularly have a teaching / Bible study sort of time together? You know, where you get together, have some prayer, and chat about your individual walks with the Lord?? Also, do you have a Mission Statement, or some sort of written focus that you aim for?? Mon, Oct 23, 9:11PM Eighth Wonder Mark: Interesting. Eastern, as in eastern religions? Mon, Oct 23, 9:11PM Whiteheart Billy
whiteheartfansarah (wife of Abraham?): My first and last time was on the very first Whiteheart album on „Go Down Ninevah.¾ After that, I've decided I'm happy doing Edith Bunker bgv¼s. Mon, Oct 23, 9:11PM Whiteheart Rick Arkie: Yes, call our office, 615-646-9331. Or send E-mail to Mon, Oct 23, 9:11PM DMan Riq: When are you coming to Minneapolis again? I had you on my calendar for September 19, and then found out that you cancelled. What's up with that? Mon, Oct 23, 9:12PM WhiteHeart Mark Michael: I really hope so. The promoter Clair Bush in Marshfield is one of the best people we know. He loves the Lord and we love playing Marshfield and Steven's Point Mon, Oct 23, 9:12PM WH WH Mark and Billy - God has obviously blessed the two of you with the ability to write not only music, but the perfect words to go with them. What songs have had the greatest personal ministerial effect on you? I love your music so much because of the depth of the message - Keep up the good work - we need what God does through you! Mon, Oct 23, 9:13PM rexccs Rick, are you ever up on stage and just stop and think a sec about all that's happened over the last 10 years and just ssid "Wow, GOD is GREAT! Also, did the Vocal Center really help you? Mon, Oct 23, 9:13PM CDTWhiteheart Billy arkie: WH info can be had at 170 Belle Forest Circle #201, Nashville, TN 37221. Mon, Oct 23, 9:14PM Eighth Wonder Rick: I know you graudtaed Taylor with a degree in Bio. Just curious--Before you got involved with WH as the bus driver, did you have any contacts? Or did you just head down there and try little odd jobs, sticking your face in to get to know people? Mon, Oct 23, 9:15PM Christy I just want to say before you leave that I have enjoyed your music for several years. I saw you at Grove City College (PA) on Wrhicque's 30th birthday! My prayers will be with you for the new direction in your ministry; I am excited about that opportunity to reach people outside of our little Christian-label subculture. Stay true to the Lord's call and never stop writing and performing from your hearts. God bless you and thank you all! - CJS< Mon, Oct 23, 9:15PM whiteheartfansarah Billy--bummer! I don't have that album. Mark, before you leave, I just wanted to tell you that: I hope my letters don't bore you to death; I hope you and Brynn are doing groovy [you both rock!], and try to write me back sometime if you can...Miss Ya!!! Mon, Oct 23, 9:15PM WhiteHeart John Hey everyone - Thanks for chatting with us. you can all join me in spirit in the second quarter of the Bills/Patriots game on ABC. :-) Really - God Bless and thanks for all the very kind comments. Please come and say Hi at the next show. Mon, Oct 23, 9:15PM Whiteheart Rick Dagsy: While on the road, we regularly get together 1/2 hour before showtime for devotions. We don't really have a mission Statement. We love playing music, we love what our God has doen for us, the 2 together make for a pretty wonderful time. Mon, Oct 23, 9:15PM Dave Gonna sign off now. WH Thanks for your earnest attempts to deal with the deluge of questions. But fellow chatters, let's not say „Whiteheart rules!¾ Instead, „Christ Rules!¾ Mon, Oct 23, 9:15PM CDTChatmaster Craig THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR STOPPING BY TO HANG WITH WHITEHEART! And especially, THANK YOU WHITEHEART! The guys are leaving now, so let's all thank them for their time, ministry, and music. Keep an eye on our main chat page to find out about more live chat events in the future! Mon, Oct 23, 9:16PM Whiteheart Rick Thanks for caring and thanks for your patience everyone!!! Hope to see you on tour!!! Mon, Oct 23, 9:17PM Whiteheart Billy
WH: It depends on the mood I'm in...songs like „Heaven of My Heart,¾ „It Could Have Been You¾ and „Maybe Today¾ hit me in those kind of quiet times. Not because I wrote them, but because they said something and continue to say something I need to hear myself. Thanks to everyone for their questions. The time went by fast! We hope to meet you down the road...thanks! [incomplete end]