Date: 06 March 1999
To: MitchMailList
From: Danl Blackwood
Subject: [MitchMailList 022b]: Winona Lake, IN 01/21 concert transcript

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Winona Lake Concert Transcript

Mitch McVicker and the Kid Brothers of St. Frank
Winona Lake Free Methodist Church
Winona Lake, Indiana
January 21, 1999 7 PM

Song: Here and Now


Mitch: Thank you.

Song: One of These Days


Mitch: Thank you.  Well, uh... This is a song that we haven't recorded
yet.  So you all don't know this one, but that doesn't really separate it
from the other ones that we're doing.


Song: He's Right Here With Us


Mitch: Well, next song is a song that I wrote with a
guy named Rich Mullins.  And on my album this song is a nice little slow
lullaby...but we kinda did the 1990's thing and we tried to make it
funky. (laughter)  So this is called New Mexico.

Song: New Mexico


Mitch: Well thanks.  We wrote that song about two and a half years ago
when we were ...I was living with Rich out on the New border.  And so hence it's called New Mexico.  This
next song is  a song off Canticle of the Plains.  And that's an album
that um...that is actually a soundtrack to a musical that I wrote with
Rich and Beaker...and I got to sing 4 of the songs on the album and
Michael Tate of dc Talk sang 2 of them, and Leigh Nash of Sixpence None
the Richer sang 2 of them.  And there's different singers 'cause you know
that's the way soundtracks are...because musicals have characters you
know singing different things.  (laughter)  And we wrote the musical
based on the life of Francis of Assisi.  I guess what attracted us to him
is that he probably followed Jesus more literally and more radically than
anyone we could think of.  And I think that's pretty much how you become
a radical in following Jesus.  And you know we try to do all
this other stuff that will maybe make us radical...and you know it'
just doesn't do it quite like that you know.  We try...we think being
radical is maybe found in how many different colors of hair you have...or
you many different body parts you have pierced....or how many
tattoos you have or something like that...and those are all fine
things...but they just don't ....they kinda come up short when we're
trying to make ourselves radical.  But the most radical thing we will
ever do is to follow Jesus.  And that may not make us stand out like all
those other things, but it will make us a peculiar person and this is
called Heaven is Waiting.

Song: Heaven is Waiting


Mitch:  Well thanks...Well at this point I would really like to introduce
these people up here.  Because they're playing all kinds of
stuff...and...they're playing it really good.  So back right behind me
holding the guitar is um Michael Aukofer (applause)  And over to the
Right in the cool hat (laughter) playing all kinds of stuff is Eric
Hauck. (applause)  And to my immediate right lending her beautiful vocals
and her percussion is Shelli Yoder.  (applause)  And you know we've
traveled from ... gosh... the farthest east we've been is I think
Baltimore and we're heading...We'll be out in Phoenix and...and...we just
happened to be coming through here and these are Shelli's old stomping
grounds.  And so I think probably a lot of you may know who she is.  I'm
glad I know her.  And you might know her as Miss Indiana......1992. 

Eric: Pass the hat!

Mitch:  But we know her as Shelli and she's had a huge impact on our
lives just as Shelli Yoder.  And you know We've been calling ourselves
Mitch McVicker and the Kid Brothers of St Frank...and uh...we ran into a
little when...when Shelli...uh started singing
with us a couple weeks ago.  Um because you know we have a female so now
can we be Kid Brothers?  I don't know. (laughter)  Um but we did look
into it and Francis of Assisi had a supporter and a follower of his that
happened to be a woman.  And she was married and he thought that she was
as big a supporter as anybody so he called her a brother.  Her name was
Japonae.  And he called her brother Japonae.  And I don't know why she
was named that, but she just was. (laughter)  I guess it was a medieval,
Italy thing. (laughter)  I sure hope but I've introduced you to
brother Michael and uh brother Eric and so now I want you to hear
brother Shelli sing this next song. (laughter)  This is also on The
Canticle of the Plains and this was sung by a female character named
Clare, and none of us wanted to try to sing it in a high girlie voice.
(laughter)  So we're glad that she's along so we can do this song.  This
is called In Your Hands.

Song: In Your Hands


Mitch: Well thank you.  This is a new song I wrote with Michael...and I
like this one and that last song because I get to play this little baby
guitar.  I like to...I like to play it because it makes me look like I
can play something else besides the guitar. (laughter)  'Cause you know
they're playing all these different kinds of things and uh...I just like
to put it on and fake it 'cause you know you just play it the same way as
a guitar know if you don't pay attention to that you might
think I'm playing something different. (laughter)  And I like the name of
this even more than I like playing it.  This is called a papoose. 
(laughter)  So this new song is called Where Did It Go.

(Song begins.  Something sounds awful!)

Michael: (laughing) The capo is on the wrong fret.

(laughter) (Mitch fixes capo) (still playing song)

Michael: I love informing everybody about the mistakes.

Mitch: No, but listen to this now.

Michael: Now it's just out of tune!  


Song: Where Did It Go


Mitch:  Well there are a few things that do stick around all
that stuff passes away...all the stuff that we put our trust in so much
for some reason.  I guess we've just been fooled into thinking that it's
gonna last.  But it won't.  But the things of the kingdom of God will
remain.  And you know...Jesus spent His whole life trying to get us to
open up our eyes to the kingdom of God.  And especially you know the last
few years before He was killed.  And then He went ahead and ushered in
the kingdom of God with the cross, and you know told us it was all
around.  And it was there for us to live in if we so choose.  And He
ushered it in with the cross.  And you know the cross was the most
advanced form of execution known to human kind.  So you'd think it would
be this kind of sleek, pristine thing, but it wasn't.  It was flawed. 
You know it had nicks, and gouges, and knots, and smudges, and it was
dirty, and it was ugly.  But He carried it because He was devoted to
doing His Father's will....and He hoisted it on His back because He was
devoted to you...the church...To all that believe in Him...That's the
church.  You know...not the First Baptist and the Second Baptist....and
the Third Baptist....Its' a universal thing.  All those who call on His
name. That is the church.  All those who believe in Him.  You know just
like a group of wolves is called a pack...a group of Christians is called
a church.  And He carried it because He was devoted to you... the church.
 And you know people looking at the church from the outside think it
should be this sleek, pristine thing.  And we try and do our best to make
it perfect...but it's not.  It's flawed.  It has nicks ,and gouges, and
knots, and smudges, and it's dirty , and it's ugly.  But Jesus carries it
because He's devoted to doing His Father's will.  And He hoists it on His
back because He's devoted to you.  And someday the kingdom will come to
its completion, and it will be everything that we hoped that it would be.
 And each of us will be everything that we hoped we would be.  And until
then let's let Jesus be our hope...And let's let that be where we hang
our hat.

Song: Hope


Mitch: This is another song off the Canticle.  And this song talks about
God being evident in creation...and so we tied it in with a hymn that
also talks about God being evident in creation.

Song: Fairest Lord Jesus/There You Are/Fairest Lord Jesus/There You Are


Mitch: Thank you.  Well one of my biggest joys for doing this is working
with an organization called Compassion International.  And they are the
child sponsorship organization that tries to get you all to become
involved with them and to pledge to support a child...make a pledge a
month for someone who lives...a child who lives in India, or Bolivia, or
someplace across seas.  And I'm excited 'cause we're working with a
branch of Compassion International called Compassion USA.  And they work
with projects right here in the our own backyard that are in
desperate need of help.  And they work with inner city programs, programs
on Native American reservations, and rural programs.  Be it where there
are missions, or churches, or schools, or community development programs.
 Compassion funds these and makes these things go.  The difference
between Compassion International and Compassion USA is with Compassion
International you sponsor one child...and you give them so much money a that they can you know function as a human being.  But with
Compassion USA you sponsor a of them in the inner city, or
in the Native American reservations, or in the rural areas.  You sponsor
a project, and therefore, you are not just sponsoring one child you're
sponsoring many. You impact each kid that comes through the doors of that
project, and you change their lives.  For 20 bucks a month.  That's all
it takes is 20 bucks a month.  And you see to it that these kids are
given an education...they're given clothes...they're given food...and
that they're told that there is a God that loves them and cares about
them.  And you know what?  If you're looking for a place where you fit
in...where you belong...your niche...well, you are the church.  That's
you.  And it's your job to let your light so shine in the dark places. 
And that's how you can respond to the love that you've been a
merciful you too can be loving and merciful.  For 20 bucks a
month.  Now I would go out on a limb here and say that everybody here can
do that.  I mean...I think we all can and I know that I myself...I may
need to give up going to McDonald's a few times a month...or give up
going to the movies a few times a month...and there I have my 20 dollars
that I can change somebody's life with.  What a tremendous honor it is to
get to do that.  And you know spoke about in His last
sermon before He went to the cross?  He said when I was hungry you gave
me something to drink. (Mitch laughs)  When I was hungry you gave me
something to eat.  When I was thirsty you gave me something to drink. 
When I was naked you clothed me, and when I was lonely you visited me. 
And His listeners said Lord, when did we do that?  And He said, When you
did that to the least of my brothers and did that to me. 
When you treated those who were in desperate need of help like
that...that's how you treated Me.  And I know that you are mine because
of that.  You know, I wish I were more eloquent trying to talk about all
this...because I really believe in this...and I really would want to see
you become a part of it.  And I wish I were a better speaker about this,
but I'm not.  And I know I've left a lot of questions in your head, but
there's packets back there at the table, and you can sign up and become a
part of it.  And there's reading material back there that can answer all
these questions.  And you know what?  You don't have to come up with 20
dollars just all can partner up with other people.  Let's
say 3 or 4 or 5 of you go in on it, and then you have your 20 dollars a
month.  And then you can see love heal brokenness.  You can see people
feel told that they are something when all along they've been
told that they are nothing.  And how it can give them hope.  And I've
seen this work because I've lived right next to a compassion
school...right next to a Native American reservation.  And I've seen what
love does when you put hands and feet on it.  When the rubber hits the
road.  'Cause that's how you love in doing something.  And
it's no longer this little 4 letter word that you read in Hallmark Cards,
but it is really something.  And like I said I wish I were more eloquent,
but I'm not.  So...don't listen to me...listen to God.  And we're gonna
take a short break right after this you can stretch out and go
back there and check out the Compassion stuff.  This is called Only Love

Song: Only Love Will


End of First Set

Second Set begins

Song: Gospel Rain


Mitch: Well, thank're gonna do a little moving around up
here 'cause these guys play so many things they gotta do that.  Me I
can just stand here and blab. (laughter)  (Mitch laughing) So I will
do that.  You know the other day I was driving...I think I was in
Alabama...Wow!...Did you all hear that burp? (laughter)

Michael: Excuse me. (laughter)  I had this singing part on this last song
and I couldn't do it. (laughter)  Mushroom soup. (laughter)

Mitch: It was a great meal.  I just could not let that go.  I mean I
really couldn't get it out of my mind unless I just said something
about it. (laughter)  'Cause it was rather significant. (laughter)
(Mitch laughing) But ....uh...let's see...I was on a driving trip in
Alabama...and Iid been driving for quite awhile.  And I decided that I know...pull into a convenience store and you know
refresh myself.  And I went in there and got something to drink, and I
did that other thing that can be rather refreshing now and then.
(laughter)  And ...uh....And I was walking in there...and you
know...I'm walking up to the urinal and right on top of the urinal is
this sticky post-it note.  And it says: People please repent!  Jesus
is coming back immediately! (laughter)  And I was like...well know for awhile I was really caught up in that and I
was like yeah that would be great!  And I was thinking about that and
I was like...Whoa!  Wait a second!  You know...give me 2 or 3 minutes
here! (laughter)  'cause I mean I'd been holding this for half an hour
(laughter) and I can't imagine what it would be like to have to hold
it for eternity. (laughter)  So...a...That has absolutely nothing to
do with this next song, but...(laughter) I'm just you know doing what
I do best.  Uh..that's blabbing.  So this song is called Freedom.

Song: Freedom


Mitch: Well this is a...this is a song...another new song that we haven't
gotten to record yet...and I hope I get to record all these
songs...uh...something's probably out of tune here, but I'm gonna ignore
it.  This is called When You Love.

Song: When You Love


Mitch: Thank you.  Well since we're in a ...since we been doing some new
songs...we'll do another one for you.

Song: I Wanna Be Ready


Mitch: Well this is a hymn that we would like to do for worked up a beautiful arrangement of the hymn It Is
Well on the hammered dulcimer.  And Eric plays cello along with
him...and a...I get to play guitar along with it. (laughter)  And it's
kind of a cool story.  I mean it's a really powerful story I think as
to why the hymn was written.  This guy was a businessman in
....Chicago.  Michael actually knows this story much better than I do,
but I try know...fake my way through it.  And he and his
family were gonna take a trip over to England.  This was in the late
1800's.  And so his wife and his 4 children...his 4 girls went ahead
of him in a ship across the ocean.  And he was gonna take care of some
things and come behind them in another ship.  And they would meet up
once they got to England.  And on the way over there was an accident
and his 4 daughters were killed.  And he found out about that and then
when his boat was going over the spot where the accident happened...he
wrote this hymn.  Just saying that whatever his lot it was well with
his soul.  So here it is.

Song: It Is Well


Mitch: Well, it's a year for me.  About 16 months
ago I was in the car wreck that ended up taking the life of Rich
Mullins.  And so needless to say I got pretty messed up
know broken bones...and both my lungs were collapsed...and I had a
head injury that had me in a coma for about 5 days.  But things are
getting better and I'm just glad I get to do this.  You know a year
later I'm still dealing with some things because of all that.  I still
see with double vision.  And I'm told that sometime, someday that will
clear up.  And boy, I'm ready for it to at anytime.  'Cause it's been
a long frustrating know at times...but you know this past
year has been...I've had a lot of...a lot of reason to be thankful. 
So it's been just a weird combination of being really frustrated and
really thankful.  And you know I'm understanding more I hope what it
means to wait on the Lord.  Wait upon the Lord like Isaiah talked
about.  And you know...they say that my vision will get back to normal like me...this crowd looks
huge. (laughter)  And the other thing is I'm still waiting for my
singing voice to return to how it used to be and I'm not sure why all
of that affected my voice...and I'm not sure you could have been the tubes shoved down my throat.  It could
have been the collapsed lungs.  It could have been the bonk on the
head.  It could have been any number of nerves that aren't connected
up right I've just been trying to approach things
like...this is my new voice and a ...the other one is not around
anymore and so I'll just do with this one what I can do now.  And you
know I've gotten to learn a lot of patience that I probably wouldn't
have gotten to learn otherwise.  I've gotten to practice a lot of
patience.  And you know I've said many times..I've said Lord...heal
me.  Because You know You said right there in the Gospels...You said
whatever we ask for in prayer we will receive.  Well here goes...Heal
me...Please...I'm down on my knees here...and He's healing me.  It's
just the healing process is one that takes time.  You know we're
normally used to talking about healing in terms of days or weeks, but
with something like this...with a head injury they talk about healings
in terms of years...and a...and know learned many things
through this whole thing...but a...but one thing I've learned is that
just 'cause things aren't happening as quickly as we would like them
to doesn't mean that God isn't working.  And He's healing me.  And
this next song is a song that I wrote with Rich Mullins.  And a...not
for me to record, but for him to record.  And he didn't get to do
that.  Some friends of his went ahead and recorded it after he had
died...and I would like to do it because it's fun for me to do.  This 
is called My Deliverer

Song: My Deliverer


Mitch: Thanks.  I like doing that song just 'cause I like listening to
Michael, and Eric, and Shelli do their thing.  'Cause I think they do a
really good job. (Applause)

Mitch: song has the title Take Hold of Me.  And that's
kinda my prayer would take hold of me...and He is doing
that more and more each day.  So what I would like to do is take hold of
Him.  And you know, 'cause...and live with Him because He's living with
me...and I want to be with Him since He is with me.  And that would be my
prayer for each one of you would take hold of Him...and
that you would allow yourselves to be taken hold of...So, this is Take
of Me.

Song: Take Hold of Me


Mitch: Well, when I first wrote this next song I thought it was a
stupid song...But I went ahead and played through it a couple times
anyway.  And after that I decided that instead it was profound.
(laughter)  I'm not sure what that means, but it sure sounds good.
(laughter)  But I just think that's the way it works with a lot of
things in life.  I think a lot of times that the silliest, most light
hearted things end up being the most meaningful.  I mean Jesus called
us to come to Him like children.  And He said that those who enter the
kingdom of heaven will be children.  And you each day I
think we should set out to be children...and you know...people talk
about being born again kind of as this one time event. And I'm like
well, man...Do it every day.  Every day you get up let Jesus make you
new.  Because how are you going to be a child unless you're born? 
Once you're born again then you can be a child.  So that's what I'll
try and do.  I'll probably spend my whole life doing
know...there's a lot of things that get confusing with this know...trying to be a Christian and everything...and a lot
of stuff doesn't make sense, but I'm just going to try and be a kid,
and try and hold on to the stuff that I do know is for the
fact that Jesus loves the hell out of us.  Quite literally.  It's
weird to think that we got pieces of hell inside of us, and it's even
more weird to think that we got pieces of heaven inside of us.  But I
guess the good news is that Jesus has overcome the bad, and He's the
Giver of the good.  And a...Let Him make you a kid each morning. So
we're gonna end with this stupid little song called The Lemonade Song.


(Michael starts and stops to adjust stuff)

Mitch: (laughing) We've got quite a contraption over here.

Mitch: It's just humorous for me to watch. (laughter)

Song: The Lemonade Song


Band leaves the stage


Band returns

Mitch: Ok, we don't know no more songs. (laughter)  So we're hoping that all know this one.

Song: Lord I Lift Your Name On High

Mitch: Ok

Song: I Love You Lord

Mitch: Goodnight.


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