Date: 10 March 1999
To: MitchMailList
From: Danl Blackwood
Subject: [MitchMailList 026]: Lexington, KY 02/15 reviews

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Vivian Bush's Lexington review

From: Vivian Bush
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 22:53:14 EST
Subject: Lexington, KY concert 2/15

Dear Danl,

	I got to see Mitch and his band at Southland Christian Church in
Lexington, KY as part of their tour away from the Ragamuffins. I saw the
Homeless Man Tour last fall in Cincinnati, but this smaller setting was very
special in its own way. I don't know if anyone else from the list was at this
concert, but I thought I'd contribute my own impressions.
	I didn't keep a list of the songs they played, but they were pretty much the
ones listed in the other reviews I've read. I was disappointed that they
didn't play "That's Why They Call Him Emmanuel" (the new one), but there were
plenty of my favorites. They did "When You Love," and I recognized (as I had
suspected) that it's an adaptation of the "When You Love" on Rich's album
"Pictures in the Sky." But Mitch has added a new chorus and bridge. I hope
he'll record it for himself... I think he said he was planning to.
	I arrived early and sat in the second row, about six feet from the little
stage. The concert was held in the high school/college building (sort of a
finished barn), which looked like it held somewhere between 100 and 200
people. The stage was small to match, and started out so crowded that there
didn't seem to be enough room for musicians. A local band, Due Season, opened
for them. Halfway through their set, the bass player backed up too far and
knocked Eric's cello off the stage! He galloped forward and checked to make
sure that it was still in tune, amid Due Season's apologies. When they were
finished, they carefully cleared the stage of their own instruments so that
Mitch and his band had a little more room!
	Due Season opened the concert under the leadership of Tannin, a very sweet
and enthusiastic mentally handicapped young man. Tannin sang their first
number with them and then sat down on a couch beside the stage. He stayed
there until Mitch was starting "Heaven is Waiting." Tannin knew
the words to this and wasn't at all shy about singing them. Mitch heard him,
stopped the song, and called Tannin up on stage to sing a duet with him! The
result was the most beautiful and moving picture I've ever seen of the kingdom
of heaven belonging to "the least of these." I'm so thankful that Mitch wasn't
so concerned about having a "smooth concert" as to cheat us of the blessing of
hearing Tannin sing.
	The evening had some definite humorous moments as well. I was very amused
before the concert to see Mitch shaking his guitar violently-- he'd dropped
the pick inside and was trying to get it out! When Eric and Michael were
starting "My Deliverer is Coming," they somehow ended up in different keys,
and had to stop. Mitch entertained us with an improvised "rap version" of the
song while they were getting their act together! But when they got going, they
gave the most beautiful version of the song I'd ever heard. 
	Mitch told the "post-it note" story (you'll have to go to the concert to hear
him tell it) and talked a lot about Compassion USA. He also gave encouragement
to those of us who were single (most of the audience). Being single myself, I
was glad to hear someone saying that singleness is a gift and urging us to
enjoy each day as it comes. Of course, he also said he hoped not to be single
for long!
	I got to talk to all four "Kid Siblings" (the guys and Shelly) afterwards.
Shelly confirmed that they are planning to come back to this area in April
with the Homeless Man Tour to Icthus Christian Music Festival. Having heard
them twice now, I can't wait to go back for more. Each time is a new blessing.
In Christ,
Vivian Bush :o)

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Tom McSorley's Lexington review

From: Tom McSorley
Subject: Mitch McVicker - February 15 Review - Lexington Kentucky
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 23:01:05


     I was blessed with the  opportunity to see Mitch and the Kid
Brothers on  February 15 in Lexington, Kentucky.  I wasn't at all 
familiar with the material, and didn't know anyone in the band. Or, 
really much more than that Mitch was a friend of Rich's. With that 
perspective in mind, I couldn't even begin to provide a review in the
normal  manner articulated within this list. So, I'll share just a
few moments that were very special that evening.  My initial
impressions from the first few songs was one of awe. I had no idea
who these guys  were, but their sheer talent  was absolutely amazing.
 Mitch was re-tuning his  guitar between songs and Eric stepped up to
the mic to mention that his dad  had traveled down from Cincinnati for
the show. I had seen Eric bear  hug his dad when he came in before
the band took the stage. It was  a touching experience to hear Eric
talk about his dad and what his dad had  meant to Eric in his life. I
lost my dad a couple of years ago to  cancer. I know that he loved
me, but he wasn't the hugging kind of  person. In this day and age I
don't know too many kids that have Eric's  kind of relationship with
their parents, and just wanted to thank Eric for  sharing his heart.
If your parents are still alive, don't ever pass up  an opportunity to
let them know how much you love them. Because if  you don't, some day
it will be too late. Thank you Mr. Hauck, for being  there!  Once
Mitch was back in  tune, a couple more songs were played. My sense of
awe was again  peeked... Then it happened... Mitch stopped playing
right in the  middle of a song and the band stopped as well. He
glanced over to side  stage and invited this guy to join them up on
stage to sing with the  band...  This guy's name was  Tannon. I
don't know Tannon personally, but I'm slowly learning a  little bit
more about him. I understand that he lost his mother last  year, and
that Tannon is autistic. Mitch restarted the song, and coached  Tannon
along line by line. It was AWESOME! The smiles on the faces of 
Mitch, Shelly, Eric, Michael, and Tannon throughout the entire song
said it  all. It was one of those "moments" in life... A very 
humbling moment, where God was truly exalted!  The rest of the
evening  is now a blur to me... The presence of God was indeed 
there...  Thanks to all for an  incredible evening! I will keep you
in my prayers.  Peace in  Christ,  -  tom

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