Date: 02 Apr 2000
To: MitchMailList
From: Danl Blackwood
Subject: [MitchMailList 056]: Paynesville, MN 03/30 review

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Date: Sun, 2 Apr 2000 16:17:04
Subject: Mitch review 3/30
From: Lisa Liebl

March 30, 2000 concert in Paynesville, Minnesota

I was so excited to read on my 3-22-00 e-mail update that Mitch was going
to be coming to my hometown of Paynesville, Minnesota!  It's a little
town of about 2100 people, so I never expected him to come there. 
Needless to say, I invited everyone I could think of and made plans to
attend this concert.

The concert was a benefit concert for the Paynesville Area Food Shelf and
was held in the high school gym.  I brought my 11 year old son and 13
year old daughter along.  My mom met us there at about 6:25 (the concert
was to begin at 7:00). 

Mitch and Brad were working on their set-up and tune-up when we walked
in.  We sat in the second row from the front.  At first there were only a
couple dozen people there with one or two trickling in here and there. I
started to pray that the Lord would send more people to hear Mitch's
music and his message.  This was my first time hearing Mitch in person,
but my brother had heard him last fall in Mankato, MN and said that he
gave a great testimony too.

About 10 minutes before the concert was to start people really started
coming in.  There ended up being between 200-250 people there!  Mitch and
Brad opened with "Here & Now," which is one of my favorites.  We were a
pretty reserved audience.  We applauded well, but didn't show enthusiasm.
Next Mitch and Brad sang "Hope."  We were still a reserved audience. 
Everyone was very attentive and was enjoying the music, but still not
showing much for enthusiasm.  Next they sang a new song that will be on
Mitch's next album.  Not sure of the title... "Here's My Soul"??

After that song Mitch spoke for a little bit.  He talked about being in
the car wreck 2 1/2 years ago and how he is still healing.  I thought he
gave a great bit of testimony here.  How he was waiting for God to give
him answers and God didn't.  But just because we don't see things
happening, doesn't mean that they aren't.  Next they sang "My Deliverer."  

Now is when Mitch made a comment about Minnesotans.  He said that we
listen really well, but when it comes to applause, etc., we're very
reserved.  We are!  It's true!!  This comment got everyone going!  Now
people were into it!  Later Mitch mentioned that he didn't mean to
provoke us into applauding and whistling and cheering... we applauded,
whistled and cheered all the more!

Next came "Heaven is Waiting" from Canticle of the Plain.  

Mitch then made a comment about our Minnesota governor.  This got
chuckles from the audience.  He talked about when our governor made the
comment that it's only weak people that need organized religion.  Mitch
said that he thought, "of course it's weak people that need religion!" 
He mentioned that we're all weak and we all need Jesus... even our
governor!  The audience erupted into applause!

Brad got out the mandola at this point and they played a new song about
"my home is far away"... not sure of the title.  It was great song and
Brad's mandola playing was fun!

After this they pulled out their lawn chairs and laid their guitars on
their laps and started singing "On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand." They
sang this acappella while thumping on their guitars.  This was so neat
and everyone loved it!  Mitch pulled out his harmonica then and they did
"The Lemonade Song."  Mitch said that "The Lemonade Song" was his attempt 
at writing a parable.

Here they took a short break while we heard from an area pastor and took
an offering for the food shelf.

Mitch and Brad came back and did "One of These Days" and then a new song
(Little Faith??) about having strength to move a mountain.

Brad then went solo and sang a new song of his own.  I'm not sure of the
title, but it had a lot to do with the Tin Man and having a heart.  Very
neat.  He asked Mitch to play along with him and Mitch grabbed his Diet
Coke can and started thumping.  Brad told him that that was aluminum and
not tin... Mitch picked up his guitar.

Next came "Gospel Rain," which I personally love.  After that Mitch 
talked about the fields burning in Kansas in the springtime and the 
beauty of the earth when the new green starts showing through. They sang 
"Burn the Fields." 

"Take Hold of Me" was next and they closed with "Upside Down," which is a
great song.

We had been a much more enthusiastic audience after Mitch's Minnesota
comments, which by the way, he continued with throughout the concert! We
gave the guys a standing ovation and asked for more.  They came back and
did "Only Love Will."  

There were some technical problems thoughout the evening, but it didn't
put a damper on anything.  Mitch and Brad just roll right through

Afterwards people headed to the CD table.  I hope they sold a lot of
t-shirts, photos, CD's and tapes... especially since this was a benefit
concert... they themselves were not making the bucks.

I had my Mitch CD with me (that I've had for a couple of months) and
first asked Brad to sign it.  He showed me where his forehead is on the
CD insert picture!  I knew a lot of the people at the concert so I took
my time visiting around and could see that both Mitch and Brad were busy
signing autographs.  They were so nice about it.  I waited until later
and then asked Mitch to sign my CD and thanked him for coming.

I guess the best part of the whole evening was finding out that both
Mitch and Brad are very real people.  No glamour or glitz.  Just the real
thing.  I really appreciate that.  God has given them both musical
talents and they are using those talents to glorify Him.  There were
people at the invitation time that the pastor had, that raised their hand
to accept Christ.  That's what it's all about.  God is using Mitch and
Brad to reach people for His Kingdom.  Praise God that the guys are
willing to do it!

Lisa Liebl

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