Date: 05 June 1999
To: MitchMailList
From: Danl Blackwood
Subject: [MitchMailList 035]: Waxahachie, TX 04/30 reviews

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Tina Goin's Waxahachie review
as posted to the Ragamuffin Mailing List

Date: Mon, 3 May 1999 10:28:28 (PDT)
From: Tina Goin
Subject: Mitch's Texas weekend reviews

Hey y'all - 

  This past weekend was one of the most special, most wonderful, and
most tiring I've had in a very long time.  My fiance and I were
blessed with the opportunity to see Mitch, Shelli and Eric not once,
not twice, but three times!  This is my first attempt at writing a
"triple review", and I didn't take any notes on anything, so let's
hope I get it right. :)

  Friday, April 30, 1999 - First Baptist Church, Waxahachie, Texas:

    This concert was part of a rally for the church's youth camp. 
Things got underway around 7:00 (though my group didn't return from
dinner until 8:00), with Mitch scheduled to go on at 9:00.  It ended
up being closer to 10:30 before he actually got started, but that
didn't bother us at all.  The list of songs was pretty much what I
remember others on the list talking about:  mostly stuff from his CD,
a few from Canticle, all of them great.  The show took around 45
minutes, and afterwards Paul and I and Apryl (from the list) met up
with Beverly (also from the list) and talked for awhile, then made our
way to the lobby.  After we got the various items that we'd brought
with us autographed (the first page of "My Deliverer" in the TJR
songbook, and the liner to Canticle), we took a few pictures with
Mitch (you should have seen Beverly trying to get everyone's head in
the picture with Mitch being so much taller than Apryl and I!!).
Before we left, I told Mitch that Paul and I would be seeing a lot of
him this weekend, and explained that we live in San Antonio (to which
we said "and you drove up here today?", seeming surprised that we
would do that), and so we'd see him at Harvest and in Austin. I think
that really surprised him, don't know why?? :)   Paul and I made it
back to the motel around 1:00, exhausted but excited at the thought of
the two concerts that lay ahead.  That night was a lot of fun, and
getting to meet some fellow listmembers was a real treat!

Click here for the rest of Tina's weekend

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Tracy Guynes' Waxahachie review

From: Tracy Guynes
Subject: Mitch's April 30 Concert - Waxahachie, TX
Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 06:20:35

Hello, Danl and all you Mitch fans out there!
Just wanted to fill you guys in on the April 30th show in Waxahachie, TX with
Mitch, Shelli Yoder, and Eric Hauck.  It was actually a private concert for a
youth rally at First Baptist Church, so the crowd was smaller and the setting
more intimate.
My husband and i arrived at about 7:00 p.m., but the doors didn't open till
around 7:40 p.m. which allowed us some time to get acquainted with a few of the
Mitch fans waiting outside with us (Hi, Nancy! :-) ).  Once the doors were open,
we made our way inside and, thanks to Nancy (one of the wonderful people we met
and spoke with outside), we were able to find a great spot in the center of the
third pew from the stage.
The rally began with a time of praise and worship followed by a wonderful message
about Job and true wisdom from youth evangelist, Matt Chandler.  At around 10:00
p.m., there was a brief intermission to give Mitch, Shelli, and Eric time to set
up before the concert.  i was so excited about seeing and hearing Mitch for the
first time in two years, i could hardly wait!  And then with little fanfare, in a
fashion reminiscent of a Rich concert, they were casually introduced and began to
play.  And of course, we were all out of our seats and on our feet when we
recognized the first chords of "One Of These Days."  From there, Mitch went right
into "Here And Now" which i absolutely love!
For the next song, Mitch asked that we be seated.  Shelli began with a solo -
"Fairest Lord Jesus" i think - and i can't even begin to tell you just what a
lovely voice she has!  This hymn softly led into "There You Are" followed by
another of my favorites, "Heaven Is Waiting."  Then, we all jumped up from our
seats again, clapping and singing, while Mitch rocked the house with "Freedom."
Next came his beautifully re-done version of Rich's "When You Love."  After this,
Mitch took a few moments to tell us his story - about the accident and his road
to recovery, his lingering double vision which doctors say will eventually
correct itself - but for now, he joked, the crowd looks really huge and he still
thinks he drives pretty good :-) , and then he spoke about Rich - how he missed
him and how none of this would have been possible without him.  Mitch then said
he wanted to play a song that he and Rich had written together and had been
planning to record, but Rich never got the chance - the song was "My
Deliverer"... i had sung along with every song up to this point, but during this
one, i could do nothing more than bow my head and close my eyes, silently
remembering.  It was a beautiful tribute and Eric really shined with his cello on
this one.
Mitch picked things back up with "Take Hold Of Me" - i just love the way he talks
out this song, especially in the bridge ("Yes now the one and only thing i want
to want is His love and all i want to need is my Lord Jesus...")!  He then took a
few moments to speak to us again.  He explained that no matter how old we are and
no matter how much things change, one thing will always remain the same - we will
always be children of God.  We should run to Him head-long, let Him bounce us on
His knee, and just be His child.  What a beautiful way to remember the tender
love God has for us.
Mitch closed the concert with everyone's favorite, "The Lemonade Song," saying
how at first he thought it was kind of stupid, but then decided it was really
kind of profound. :-)
Throughout the entire concert, i couldn't help but notice that Mitch just seemed
so sincerely happy to be there and was constantly smiling - his face just
beamed.  And afterwards when i got to meet him (for the first time ever!), i also
realized just how shy and soft-spoken he is - a rather endearing quality actually
- which definitely made me feel more comfortable considering that i had pretty
much forgotten most everything i thought i was going to say when i met him and
what i did say just turned into a big tongue-tied mess. :-)  He signed the cds i
had brought - though a little accident in the signing turned one autograph into
what could be read as "Peace of Mitch, Christ McVicker."  :-)  i thought it was
so cute (i still giggle every time i read it), but Mitch felt really bad about it
and apologized profusely - bless him! :-)  Well, after that, i just had to give
him a big hug and i congratulated him and Rich on the Dove - which in turn was
answered with a shy, embarrassed grin and a quiet, very humble "Thank you"...
Take care, you guys, and God bless!
Tracy Guynes

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