First he defined what he believed worship should be, and that music is actually not needed for worship. Many have replaced true worship with music, or are in fact worshipping music itself. In other words, it had become music as worship, instead of music in worship, or music within worship. Also he touched on the fact that we were created to "be in worship" at all times. We humans, believers and un-believers alike, are constantly in worship. Only the gods keep changing. We either are worshipping the true God, or we are worshipping money, jobs, music, etc. Adam and Eve did not stop worshipping when they fell, they just exchanged gods. If we are unable to get excited about God without worship, then we are in big trouble. Once we define worship, as God intended, then we are free to sing and play.
I will write a more extensive review of Dr Best's comments at
a later date, because I don't want to forget anything he said.